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GS-OxyPLOT Columns

2023/3/8 11:21:29发布50次查看
agilent j&w gs-oxyplot is suitable for astm methods for a wide range of oxygenates (ethers, alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones). it offers accurate analysis of ppm/ppb level oxygenates in the c1 to c10 ......
gs-oxyplot columns 产品详情
accurate analysis of ppm/ppb level oxygenates in c1–c10 hydrocarbonsstrong selectivity for a wide range of oxygenates (ethers, alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones) in complex matrices such as gaseous hydrocarbons, motor fuels, and crude oilsuitable for astm methods for oxygenatesvery high column stability (upper temperature limit of 350 °c) with no column bleedstable phase coating virtually eliminates particle generation and detector spikingexcellent for low concentration, quantitative gc analysisideal for selective heart-cutting applicationstested with the tightest industry qc specifications for column bleed, sensitivity, and efficiencyperformance summary shipped with each column


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